Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tried out the new fishing gear last night

Guess I should start with the road trip to get there.  Road was not just nearly flooded.  It was underwater.  A little further down, there was a good foot or more of water.  The only way we knew we were still on the road - they had staked the sides of the road.  So wasn't my favorite drive.

Anyhow, we got there.  Got set up with my new fishing rod.

Poor thing didn't catch a single fish yesterday.  I wonder if Colin was just not casting it into the pocket where the fish were...  Anyhow.  It was a fun night.  And I did catch some fish.  They were on Colin's rod, but here was the first catch of the night.

Yep.  That's two fish on one line.  It had a small walleye to the right on one part of the pickrel rig, and a jackfish on the other.  We put the walleye back.  Gave the jackfish away.  It was the only fish we brought back.  Caught about 3 or 4 more little ones.  Nothing worth keeping.

Oh, and I finally grabbed one.  I wore my glove, but I grabbed a fish, and took the hook out, and put it back.  Actually, I did 3 fish.  Yeah me!

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